Featured Game:   Face Off!
Students place markers on the numbers 2-12.   Students toss two 6-sided dice, find the sum and remove a marker from that number, if there is still one.   The first player to remove all markers wins the game.   This game can be used as addition practice or as an introduction to the probability of the different outcomes of rolling two dice.   This game was developed by a Monmouth University student for the Probability Fair.
- Download the Face Off! Game directions, center icons and gameboards for both the one-die and two-dice versions of the game.
- Data Collection:   Post a frequency table and have students record the last number they needed to win the game.   After students have played several rounds, analyze the data to see if each number seems to have an equal chance of being the winning number.
Three Strikes and You're Out! GameStudents need lots of practice to learn and master basic facts. Games are a fun way to provide regular practice and they can be easily differentiated to accommodate the varied needs of students in a class. The Three Strikes And You're Out! game is designed to practice addition or subtraction facts. The game uses the sum of two dice to practice addition facts, but may easily be adapted to practice subtraction facts by using two 12-sided dice and finding the difference. The game handouts include directions, variations in play and scoring, game boards for both the addition and subtraction games, as well as game pieces that may be used to support the baseball theme.
Similar Games to Practice Addition and Subtraction Facts:
M&M Probability Game
In the M&M Probability Game, students place M&M markers on the numbers 2-12. Students may place one M&M marker on each number or place several on some numbers and leave other numbers blank. Next, students toss two 6-sided dice, find the sum, and remove an M&M marker from that number, if there is still one. The first player to remove all markers wins the game. The game, designed by Susie Siegel, a New Jersey teacher, includes PDF files for the directions,and a recording sheet. In response to several requests, Terry Kawas has created M&M game pieces that may be printed, cut apart, and used with sentence strips, as pictured above. Some teachers opt to use round foam pieces, available at craft stores, as alternative game pieces. |
M&M Probability Game Pieces |
Online Resources: Addition & Subtraction Games
These games help students acquire proficiency in addition and subtraction facts.   These highly motivation activities require that students add or subtract the numbers generated by cards or dice to play the game.